BlueRailDCC by Tam Valley is a compact circuit board that allows any DCC decoder to be controlled by a smart device using the free BlueRail Trains app. Available at and select retailers near you.
This video demonstrates how to control a Kadee® Servo Controller with a BlueRail board to operate a large scale Kadee coupler with battery power. The BlueRail board can control up to 4 Kadee® Servo Controllers. Kadee® Servo Controllers can control Kadee® RC Remote Couplers (factory programmed), turnouts, crossing gates, semaphores, windmills, water wheels, gondolas, trams, roundabouts, cranes, & drawbridges. Below is a diagram depicting how to make the connection. Click image to download PDF.
Video tutorial on how to solder battery leads to a BlueRail board. BlueRail does not recommend soldering your own loads unless you are an expert solderer (it is easy to damage the board if you make a mistake – boards are available with wires pre-soldered in place). This video demonstrates the best way to solder the wires.
This video demonstrates Speed Matching and Consisting currently available in iOS (coming to Android). Now you can easily and accurately speed match your locos as you run them on the tracks. Works with all BlueRail and E-Z App trains.
BlueRail’s “Chuff Rate Calibration” screen allows you to easily adjust loco chuff sounds to match loco speed at various speed steps.
To access this screen: set sound scheme to “steam” in settings, go to Train Control screen, swipe open sound panel (upper right), bring panel all the way out, click “Chuff rate” button at bottom right of panel (beneath volume sliders).
A closeup look at BlueRail Trains bluetooth low-energy plug-in board which works well with track power or battery power. The Dead Rail plug-and-play is easily installed in a loco for battery power operation or battery assist (on dirty track). Kit includes bluetooth board, protected lithium battery, magnetic reed switch and 9/8 pin harness, ready to plug into any DCC-Ready train.